this is nice! the flow makes me think a mix of mf doom, ras kass and eminem. a neat mix!
sounding clean!
this is nice! the flow makes me think a mix of mf doom, ras kass and eminem. a neat mix!
sounding clean!
fanks bruv
well done! Though do appreciate the variety in here i feel it needs a rapper or something on it doing verses and a chorus. doesn't quite keep my attention but i tend to listen to all that flying lotus/samiyam/brain feeder stuff when it comes to instrumental music so take that with a grain of salt.
Thank you much Mr. Anjovi!
damn! love the odd way the harp blends in with the beat. It seems to totally change the vibe of what the track would be like without them. if that makes sense.
Yeah it was the one little flavor adder that it needed. Getting those all tuned together was a bitch.
This beat was just so good though that i needed something to put on it. Turned out the lyrics blended fairly well (at least as far as my capabilities are concerned), a damn fine beat!
this is that thing that just grows on you. The progression/fleshing out of the beat particularly stood out to me. that ambience and piano are great blends!
thanks anj. Yeah it's just looped throughout with a little more piano stacked on.
You've got something really special here. My only gripe is that i find that i'm not a as big a fan of story telling songs as i am of conceptual songs that use an array of metaphors to suit the theme of the rap/message/w/e..
for example i remember that misfit island verse you wrote and it might be my favorite of yours because you sort stuck to a theme rather then a narrative....this allowed you to think up and portray a bunch of different little stories/imageries to fit in context to the concept of the song.
I suppose it was all just one narrative as you described the relationship between salt mine/manufacturing/marketing/consumer but it painted a canvas more so then a episode persay.
that's what i'm getting at...the difference inbetween a canvas and an episode.. I imagine when trying to describe a single story to get a message a cross you have to write the message real subtly (think using each of the characters/plot devices as metaphors and having all of academia's egg heads bending their minds figuring out what the relation ship of things are in context to the underlying theme) as opposed to when you write a canvas you can just unleash your mind and rape peoples minds.
that said though your flow is gorgeous! you really got the cadence of your voice to. Love how relaxed it is...really puts it ahead of alot of rappers i hear, especially in combination in the imaginative writing, ryhme schemes, etc.
I hear you on that. Themes. Words creating an atmosphere, not a narrative. I agree it's more fun and crazy. I'll try to do more like that. Thanks for the long review too!
If your into sending the files my way i wouldn't mind having a go at it. If not to get lucky on a good blending sample or 2...hehe
Will do. look out in your inbox
you know your way around this stuff! fantastic beat, your beats are the type of thing i imagine all those original jazz/blues/flamenco/whatever players listening to with a big wide gitty grins on their faces.
Yeahman anjovi! appreciate it. maybe I'll make something that'll inspire one of your raps soon!
I'd definitely keep this one around, even if you have to make a transition (not a chorus) that deviates from the main loop all together.and have it tie back to this part again.
Exactly the part I'm having trouble with actually! I find it hard to extend and deviate the melody for a hook type part. I think I'm just rusty from being away from the lab so long.
Hey folks, another lover of music (mainly doing so through rap/singing/beats these days). Been at it for many years off and on and had just caught the bug to make fully-pledged projects as opposed to one-offs.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 2/17/12