I'd definitely keep this one around, even if you have to make a transition (not a chorus) that deviates from the main loop all together.and have it tie back to this part again.
I'd definitely keep this one around, even if you have to make a transition (not a chorus) that deviates from the main loop all together.and have it tie back to this part again.
Exactly the part I'm having trouble with actually! I find it hard to extend and deviate the melody for a hook type part. I think I'm just rusty from being away from the lab so long.
absolutely loving that vocal sample, but the way that crashing wave of vibraphones and amp guitars come in here and their is just what i needed...
danke dude
is this you playing around with vst's? sounding good, got me thinking adventure time.
Well two of them yeah. Others are samples. Thanks :)
shucks! just noticed this one (makes a long swipe of his arm to snatch all the gminor beats he can as he dashes out the window exit)
haha! sounds like it'd be perfect for one of those adult swim cartoons. that horns probably just a tee bit too high.
Thanks man! I'll do some tweaking when I get the chance and fix that little issue
Would love to hear were this ones going....ugghhhh that loop!
I'd love to hear it myself.
Hey folks, another lover of music (mainly doing so through rap/singing/beats these days). Been at it for many years off and on and had just caught the bug to make fully-pledged projects as opposed to one-offs.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 2/17/12